Electricity consumption: managing and calculating it well

Did you know that your electricity bills depend on the price of energy and your electricity supplier? On top of that, they also vary according to your electricity consumption. CD Engineering will give you some tips to control your consumption and reduce your energy bill. From then on, you will be able to adopt some eco-gestures that are good for our environment and your budget! discover the advice of our electrical renovation experts.

How to wisely choose your electrical appliances?

Even before buying a new appliance, you can estimate its power consumption. To do so, you can look at its energy label. For some time now, this label, which is attached to all household appliances, has been informing consumers about their potential energy consumption. Washing machines, refrigerators, light bulbs or even hoovers. All these electrical appliances have an energy consumption that can vary from simple to double. It is therefore important to understand this label in order to make good purchases that respect the environment and your budget. Therefore, choose appliances that consume less energy (A++, dark green) rather than D appliances (red), which will greatly increase your electricity consumption.

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How to calculate the electricity consumption of your household appliances?

To best estimate the power consumption of your appliances, three elements should be taken into account. The power of the appliance, indicated in watts on the energy label, and its daily (in hours) and annual (in days) use. You simply multiply the power by the number of hours of use. Then multiply it by the number of days. The result will be in Watt/hour. Divide this by 1000 to obtain kiloWatts/hour (Kwh) and find out your real electricity consumption.

If you do not have all this information, you can refer to your electricity meter reading. Compare two or more meter readings to see the difference in your electricity consumption. If you find an increase, you will know that you need to take the right action. If, on the other hand, you notice a decrease. Stay the course! Your wallet will thank you.

Some good habits to adopt to reduce electricity consumption

Some very simple habits to adopt, also called eco-gestures, help you to reduce your consumption. The first gesture is to turn off your appliances instead of putting them on standby. A computer or television in standby mode isn’t completely off! It still consumes power without your knowledge. Unplugging it or using a power strip with a switch will help you reduce your electricity consumption.

The heating is another energy-consuming appliance. Turn it down by one degree and you will reduce your bill by 7%. In addition to this, there are plenty of other small, simple eco-gestures to implement on a daily basis. You can wash your clothes at 30° during off-peak hours instead of peak hours or use as much daylight as possible. Even if it is sometimes lacking in Belgium, it is still totally free and less tiring for your eyes.

Never forget that reducing your electricity consumption will help you save energy and the environment will thank you! It is therefore very important to control your electricity consumption as much as possible. If you are building a new electrical installation, adopting the right reflexes will avoid unpleasant surprises. If you are renovating your electrical installation, these tips will help you get back on track. Discover our team of electrician.

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